Distance Reiki &
Energy Healing

“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” -Albert Einstein

Everything in the Universe is made up of energy and subatomic particles. This energy was created at the beginning of the Big Bang and makes up the planets, galaxies, stars and yes…YOU!

Your own unique energy directs everything from your own survival, your personality, and your vitality…to how you love, communicate, think, and connect.

But here’s the thing…sometimes because life likes to well…life….this energy gets stale, stagnant or even becomes overstimulated because we hold on to it for too long. That’s where energy healing comes in….

Energy Healing (and Reiki) is the process of channeling light particles from the Universe into a person’s body, mind, heart and spirit through the 7 main chakras with the intention of recalibrating the person’s overall sense of emotional well-being, spiritual direction, sense of purpose, and capacity for love.

Wait a second…this sounds really woo-woo

That’s because it is! Energy healing requires intuition, trust and a deeper felt sense of surrendering to powers bigger than our logical minds can comprehend.

Because this is a newer experience for many people, that is why Lex practices with you from a distance. From the comfort of your own home, Lex guides you through gentle meditation until you are in a relaxed state…all through your computer screen.

Remember…energy does not acknowledge the rules of space and time, so it can travel freely through intention alone. From a relaxed state, channeled energy is moved and released from your body, mind, and aura.

Hear What Lex Has To Say…

“Energy lives in a realm I like to call the Ether. This is a dimension beyond space and time. It is not physical, but we can feel it. It is a vibration or frequency that guides us, just like butterflies in our stomachs or that little voice in your head that yells out, “Red flag!” when you’re on a date with a new guy. You know, when you walk into a room and the vibe feels off… yeah, that’s you tapping into energy!

The make up of energy and how it affects us daily is one of the huge reasons I started Spiritual U. I am determined to help you understand the power you are holding or giving away and if we are lucky enough to work together…how to harness it.”

Here is what a session looks like…

Once you purchase your session, you’ll get my booking link and set up the time that works best for you. Try to make sure you have the hour to yourself and are in a place where you won’t be disturbed.

We will meet on a video call and chat for a minute. Then you find a comfy spot, lay back, and enjoy. I do all the work from my side. And the best part… this is all tailored to you!

If you have something going on somewhere, we can focus the energy there. If you have a specific goal, we can work on that. For example, maybe you want to find love, but your heart chakra is closed off. We can work on that.

These sessions can be hugely transformational and help you achieve the healing and shifts you’ve worked on for a long time.