Manifest U

7-Week Manifesting Program

Abundance is limitless.

Tired of the glamorized manifestation BS that never seems to work?

The vision boards that never come true…

The journals that you forget about after a few weeks…

Feeling like maybe you should just accept the life you have and stop fantasizing…

UHHHH, I know, right!

Imagine that dream life, though… What would it look like?

  • Traveling to far-off lands

  • Buying the house of your dreams

  • Starting your own badass business

Here is the secret…

You can manifest the money… the opportunity… the freedom… that you have always dreamed of. The real problem is the glamorized, toxic positivity-obsessed manifestation programs, not you!

Manifest U

A 7 week coaching program to help you move past all of your energetic blocks…

Heal the shadows that are holding you back…

Teach you how to channel the energy of gratitude… (No more gratitude lists that trigger Thanksgiving flashbacks).

And get you on the right path to REAL manifestation that will blow your mind!

Finally, reach THE VIBE! That supercharged energy frequency and knowingness that…

  • The money is on its way

  • You are so capable

  • The Universe is conspiring with you!

What’s Included…

7 online sessions based on the 7 main chakras

7 Guided Audio Meditations

4 Digital Journals

Oracle card guidance

Intuitive channeling from your spirit guides

Inspired action plan to manifest on your own!

Hear What Lex Has to Say…

If you are ready to manifest your own reality, I created this program just for you. Whether your dreams are big or small, I put this program together to give you every tool you need to make it a reality!

I have seen the power of manifestation in my own life and have come out of the other side feeling more empowered physically, mentally, and spiritually.

My approach is a little different… While manifestation is a very fun and exciting practice, it also asks that you take a long, hard, and sometimes difficult look at the patterns, habits, and belief systems that lock you in a certain way of thinking.

Practices like shadow work, meditation, and spiritual healing get down into the subconscious mind and dig up the narratives that hold us back.

Once that is overcome, you can fully embrace gratitude as a mindfulness practice which helps us see where you are in the present moment and where you still want to get.

My process of manifestation involves equal parts of transforming the body/mind/soul connection while creating strategies specific to each of your biggest desires.

Ready to FINALLY get past everything holding you back and manifest your dream reality?